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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Class Demos

Just photographed these head studies.  Some of my students have been waiting for me to post recent class demos. The first two are from session one.  The last is not a demo, its of my son Lucas who gave me some time in exchange for a new (toy) 'Beyblade' $7.95.   Totally worth it, till he gets wise.  For now, I'm working the scam.  
  For those who don't take my class, these demos aren't finished paintings, they are an example of process.  I spend a lot of time talking and answering questions, and get very little time to concentrate on painting.  I post them in the spirit that they are learning tools. They are usually Life size and painted alla prima. But the second image (which is particularly rough) was a demo of  repainting right on top of dry paint in a direct way.



  1. Wow, really nice Richard. May I assume you're using bristle brushes? I love the roughness and variety in your brushwork. I "hire" my 17-y-o daughter to model, also. $20/hr, until she wises up. The best models are the cheapest IMO.

  2. Thanks for your comments,
    Candace your secret is safe with me. But you should know that here the going rate is $15 to $20. Your daughter may be wiser than she lets on. The $7.95 quote is for the entire time (2.5 hrs) not per hour. I'm starting to worry this will come up in therapy when he's older.
    These pictures, in fact everything in my entire blog were all done with bristles. Sometimes I use soft brushes, but I really enjoy that gruff look.

  3. i love paint but i dont have money to study in an academy, plese could you tell me about the Limited Palette, which colors do you recommend...?

  4. Hi Anonymous, A good limited palette is Ivory Black, Yellow Ocher, Permanent red, a good transparent burnt sienna and flake white. I like flake, but if you prefer titanium that's okay too.
